Appointed biennially by the Church of God International Executive Committee, the mission of the Historical Commission is to preserve and perpetuate the history and heritage of the Church of God. Current members and consultants are James Edwin Cossey, chair; Joycelyn Barnett; James M. Beaty; Tammie D. Whitehead Box; Leslie Brannon Bradford; Lance Colkmire; Patrick W. Conley; Jerry J. Jeter; J. B. Douglas LeRoy; Wanda Thompson LeRoy; D. E. "Gene" Mills, Jr.; Victor Pagan; David G. Roebuck, church historian; Larry Sterling, Jr.; Hoyt E. Stone; Phyllis Thompson; J. Ben Wiles; Tony Stewart, International Executive Committee Liaison, and Gary J. Lewis, Ex Officio.

Left to right: Tammy Milner (recording secretary), Leslie Brannon Bradford, Lance Colkmire, Victor Pagan, Jerry J. Jeter, Tony Stewart, (International Executive Committee Liaison), Wanda Thompson LeRoy, James E. Cossey (chair), J. Ben Wiles, Gary J. Lewis (General Overseer, ex officio), Larry Sterling, Jr., J. B. Douglas LeRoy, David G. Roebuck (church historian), Patrick W, Conley, Gene Mills (DPRC archivist). Not pictured: Joycelyn Barnett, James M. Beaty, Tammie D Whitehead Box, Hoyt E. Stone, and Phyllis Thompson.
The purpose of the Church of God Historical Commission is to promote the preservation, understanding, and appreciation of the history and heritage of the Church of God, worldwide. It gives special attention to the collecting and preserving of historical documents and to the writing of history at all levels: the local church, the various jurisdictions, the departments and institutions of the church, and the general church. It also seeks to produce, and to encourage the production of, historical materials (written, audio-visual, Internet) and to promote occasions for the church to remember, appreciate and celebrate its history and heritage.
The purpose of the Church of God Historical Commission is to promote the preservation, understanding, and appreciation of the history and heritage of the Church of God, worldwide. It gives special attention to the collecting and preserving of historical documents and to the writing of history at all levels: the local church, the various jurisdictions, the departments and institutions of the church, and the general church. It also seeks to produce, and to encourage the production of, historical materials (written, audio-visual, Internet) and to promote occasions for the church to remember, appreciate and celebrate its history and heritage.
Ongoing projects of the Historical Commission include producing a Heritage Exhibit and accompanying publication at each International General Assembly and the presentation of the Charles W. Conn Historical Writing Award.
International General Assembly Heritage Exhibit and Publications
With the support of the International Executive Committee, the Historical Commission authorizes the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center to create a Heritage Exhibit for each International General Assembly. Since 2012, the Historical Commission has produced an accompanying publication for distribution to registered delegates. Following the Assembly, the Commission displays the exhibit at the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center in Squires Library on the campus of Lee University. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Exhibit themes have included:
Living the Word: 125 Years of Church of God Ministry. Orlando, Florida. July 24-27, 2012.
It Seemeth Good to the Holy Ghost and Us: Celebrating 75 General Assemblies. Orlando, Florida. July 29-August 1, 2014.
To the Ends of the Earth. Nashville, Tennessee. July 19-22, 2016.
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: A Century of Church of God Education. Orlando, Florida. July 31-August 3, 2018.
Unto the Least of These: A History of Church of God Benevolence Ministries. San Antonio, Texas. July 26–29, 2022.
Pillars of Pentecost: Church of God History, Our First Fifty Years. Indianapolis, Indiana. July 8–12, 2024.
- To develop policies governing the recording, preservation and use of Church of God historical documents and data.
- To encourage the collecting and cataloging of historical documents and items of significance for preserving the history and heritage of the Church of God.
- To stimulate interest in Church of God history through historical displays, through anniversaries of historical importance, and through marking and preserving appropriate historical sites.
- To encourage research, writing and publication of materials related to Church of God history at all levels throughout the church.
- To cooperate with, and facilitate the work of, other historical commissions at all jurisdictional levels.
- To engage in other activities as assigned by, or approved by, the International Executive Committee.
Ongoing projects of the Historical Commission include producing a Heritage Exhibit and accompanying publication at each International General Assembly and the presentation of the Charles W. Conn Historical Writing Award.
International General Assembly Heritage Exhibit and Publications
With the support of the International Executive Committee, the Historical Commission authorizes the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center to create a Heritage Exhibit for each International General Assembly. Since 2012, the Historical Commission has produced an accompanying publication for distribution to registered delegates. Following the Assembly, the Commission displays the exhibit at the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center in Squires Library on the campus of Lee University. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Exhibit themes have included:
Living the Word: 125 Years of Church of God Ministry. Orlando, Florida. July 24-27, 2012.
It Seemeth Good to the Holy Ghost and Us: Celebrating 75 General Assemblies. Orlando, Florida. July 29-August 1, 2014.
To the Ends of the Earth. Nashville, Tennessee. July 19-22, 2016.
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: A Century of Church of God Education. Orlando, Florida. July 31-August 3, 2018.
Unto the Least of These: A History of Church of God Benevolence Ministries. San Antonio, Texas. July 26–29, 2022.
Pillars of Pentecost: Church of God History, Our First Fifty Years. Indianapolis, Indiana. July 8–12, 2024.

Charles W. Conn Historical Writing Award
One of the chief objectives of the Historical Commission is to encourage research, writing, and publication of materials related to the history of the Church of God. In 2000, the Historical Commission recommended and the International Executive Council approved the Charles W. Conn Historical Writing Award to honor Charles W. Conn for his numerous historical publications, to draw attention to excellent works of history, and to encourage others to undertake the important task of communicating our heritage. The Historical Commission grants an award each General Assembly period for article-length and book-length publications.
2022–2024 Book Award
Daniel Tomberlin, Preacher Paulk: The Story of Earl Pearly Paulk, Sr. Cleveland, TN: 2024.
2022–2024 Article Award
L. Brannon Bradford, "Alabama Camp Meeting…A Centennial." Alabama Church of God State Office, 2024.
2020-2022 Book Award
Clifton Clarke and Wayne Solomon, eds., Skin Deep: Pentecostalism, Racism, and the Church. Lanham, MD: Seymour Press, 2021.
2020-2022 Article Award
Xenobia Poitier-Anderson, “A Quiet Giant: Harcourt Garfield Poitier.” Church of God Evangel, January/February 2021.
2016-2018 Book Award
Esdras Betancourt, En el Espiritu y Poder de Pentecostes: Historia de la Iglesia de Dios Hispana en Estados Unidos [In the Power and the Spirit of Pentecost: History of the Hispanic Church of God in the United States]. VIDA Foundation and CEL Publications, 2017.
2016-2018 Article Award
Douglas LeRoy. “Evangelist Mae Terry: The Harvest is Not Finished.” Church of God Evangel, February 2018, 34.
2014-2016 Book Award
Wade H. Phillips, Quest to Restore God’s House: A Theological History of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), Volume 1, 1886-1923. CPT Press, 2015.
2014-2016 Article Award
Wanda Thompson LeRoy and David G. Roebuck, “‘Making Full Proof of Their Ministry:’ Women in Church of God Missions” International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology, (Vol. 3, 2014).
2012-2014 Book Award
James M. Beaty. R. G. Spurling and the Early History of the Church of God. Derek Press, 2012.
2012-2014 Article-length Award
Rodney Wayne Friend. A Faithful Servant: Samuel Lavern Peterson. Church of God World Missions, 2012.
2010-2012 Book Award
Bill T. George. Until All Have Heard: The Centennial History of Church of God World Missions. Church of God World Missions, 2010.
2010-2012 Article-length Award
Wanda Thompson LeRoy. No Ordinary Life: Jennie Brinson Rushin McNair. Church of God World Missions, 2011.
2008-2010 Book Award
Louis F. Morgan. Streams of Living Water: 100 Years of the Church of God in Mississippi. 2009.
2008-2010 Article Award
2006-2008 Book Award
H. Lynn Stone, From the Manger to the Mountain: The Journey of a Local Church. Pathway Press, 2006.
2006-2008 Article Award
Dale M. Coulter. “The Development of Ecclesiology in the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee): A Forgotten Contribution?” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (Spring 2007).
Centennial Commission
The Church of God Historical Commission evolved from the denomination’s Centennial Commission, which worked from 1981 to 1986 to develop plans to celebrate the hundred-year journey of the Church of God from the birth of the Christian Union on August 19, 1886. Using the theme, “A Century of Pentecost,” the commission created several items of memorabilia, a film, and a three-volume set of historical publications: A Treasury of Pentecostal Classics: Classics by Church of God Authors; Sermons that Guided the Church: Assembly Addresses of General Overseers; and Images of a People: An Album of Church of God History. The Centennial Commission was comprised of Charles W. Conn, chair; Floyd D. Carey, secretary; James E. Cossey; James A. Cross; Ray H. Hughes; Cecil B. Knight; O. W. Polen; and Lewis J. Willis.
Member Terms on the Historical Commission
International Executive Committee Liaisons
Robert White (1994–1996)
R. Lamar Vest (1996–2000)
T. L. Lowery (2000–2002)
Bill F. Sheeks (2002-2004)
Paul L. Walker (2004–2008)
Mark L. Williams (2008–2014)
J. David Stephens (2014–2022)
Tony D. Stewart (2022–)
Charles W. Conn (1986–1996)
R. Lamar Vest (1996–2000)
T. L. Lowery (2000–2002)
Bill F. Sheeks (2002–2006)
Floyd D. Carey (2006–2022)
James E. Cossey (2022–)
Members, Consultants, and Historians
Charles W. Conn (1986–2004)
James A. Cross (1986–1990)
David L. Lemons (1986–1990)
R. Hollis Gause (1990–1992)
Daniel L. Black (1990–1992)
Floyd D. Carey (1992–1996, 2004–2006)
Oliver McMahan (1992–1996)
James M. Beaty (1996–)
Robert E. Fisher (1996–2005)
Robert D. McCall (1996–2010)
L. Grant McClung (1996–2000)
David G. Roebuck (1996–)
James D. Jenkins (2000–2002)
Christopher Moree (2002–2024)
Joel Trammell (2004–2022)
James E. Cossey (2008–2010, 2016–2022)
Jerry Jeter (2008–2016, 2024–)
Lance Colkmire (2010–)
C. C. Pratt (2010–2022)
Douglas Slocumb (2012–2014)
Esdras Betancourt (2012–2022)
Louis Morgan (2012–2022)
Wanda Thompson LeRoy (2016–)
J. B. Douglas LeRoy (2022–)
Victor Pagan (2022–)
Larry Sterling, Jr. (2022–)
Phyllis Thompson (2022–)
J. Ben Wiles (2022–)
Joycelyn Barnett (2024–)
Tammie D. Whitehead Box (2024–)
Leslie Brannon Bradford (2024–)
Patrick W. Conley (2024–)
D. E. "Gene" Mills, Jr. (2024–)
One of the chief objectives of the Historical Commission is to encourage research, writing, and publication of materials related to the history of the Church of God. In 2000, the Historical Commission recommended and the International Executive Council approved the Charles W. Conn Historical Writing Award to honor Charles W. Conn for his numerous historical publications, to draw attention to excellent works of history, and to encourage others to undertake the important task of communicating our heritage. The Historical Commission grants an award each General Assembly period for article-length and book-length publications.
2022–2024 Book Award
Daniel Tomberlin, Preacher Paulk: The Story of Earl Pearly Paulk, Sr. Cleveland, TN: 2024.
2022–2024 Article Award
L. Brannon Bradford, "Alabama Camp Meeting…A Centennial." Alabama Church of God State Office, 2024.
2020-2022 Book Award
Clifton Clarke and Wayne Solomon, eds., Skin Deep: Pentecostalism, Racism, and the Church. Lanham, MD: Seymour Press, 2021.
2020-2022 Article Award
Xenobia Poitier-Anderson, “A Quiet Giant: Harcourt Garfield Poitier.” Church of God Evangel, January/February 2021.
2016-2018 Book Award
Esdras Betancourt, En el Espiritu y Poder de Pentecostes: Historia de la Iglesia de Dios Hispana en Estados Unidos [In the Power and the Spirit of Pentecost: History of the Hispanic Church of God in the United States]. VIDA Foundation and CEL Publications, 2017.
2016-2018 Article Award
Douglas LeRoy. “Evangelist Mae Terry: The Harvest is Not Finished.” Church of God Evangel, February 2018, 34.
2014-2016 Book Award
Wade H. Phillips, Quest to Restore God’s House: A Theological History of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), Volume 1, 1886-1923. CPT Press, 2015.
2014-2016 Article Award
Wanda Thompson LeRoy and David G. Roebuck, “‘Making Full Proof of Their Ministry:’ Women in Church of God Missions” International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology, (Vol. 3, 2014).
2012-2014 Book Award
James M. Beaty. R. G. Spurling and the Early History of the Church of God. Derek Press, 2012.
2012-2014 Article-length Award
Rodney Wayne Friend. A Faithful Servant: Samuel Lavern Peterson. Church of God World Missions, 2012.
2010-2012 Book Award
Bill T. George. Until All Have Heard: The Centennial History of Church of God World Missions. Church of God World Missions, 2010.
2010-2012 Article-length Award
Wanda Thompson LeRoy. No Ordinary Life: Jennie Brinson Rushin McNair. Church of God World Missions, 2011.
2008-2010 Book Award
Louis F. Morgan. Streams of Living Water: 100 Years of the Church of God in Mississippi. 2009.
2008-2010 Article Award
2006-2008 Book Award
H. Lynn Stone, From the Manger to the Mountain: The Journey of a Local Church. Pathway Press, 2006.
2006-2008 Article Award
Dale M. Coulter. “The Development of Ecclesiology in the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee): A Forgotten Contribution?” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (Spring 2007).
Centennial Commission
The Church of God Historical Commission evolved from the denomination’s Centennial Commission, which worked from 1981 to 1986 to develop plans to celebrate the hundred-year journey of the Church of God from the birth of the Christian Union on August 19, 1886. Using the theme, “A Century of Pentecost,” the commission created several items of memorabilia, a film, and a three-volume set of historical publications: A Treasury of Pentecostal Classics: Classics by Church of God Authors; Sermons that Guided the Church: Assembly Addresses of General Overseers; and Images of a People: An Album of Church of God History. The Centennial Commission was comprised of Charles W. Conn, chair; Floyd D. Carey, secretary; James E. Cossey; James A. Cross; Ray H. Hughes; Cecil B. Knight; O. W. Polen; and Lewis J. Willis.
Member Terms on the Historical Commission
International Executive Committee Liaisons
Robert White (1994–1996)
R. Lamar Vest (1996–2000)
T. L. Lowery (2000–2002)
Bill F. Sheeks (2002-2004)
Paul L. Walker (2004–2008)
Mark L. Williams (2008–2014)
J. David Stephens (2014–2022)
Tony D. Stewart (2022–)
Charles W. Conn (1986–1996)
R. Lamar Vest (1996–2000)
T. L. Lowery (2000–2002)
Bill F. Sheeks (2002–2006)
Floyd D. Carey (2006–2022)
James E. Cossey (2022–)
Members, Consultants, and Historians
Charles W. Conn (1986–2004)
James A. Cross (1986–1990)
David L. Lemons (1986–1990)
R. Hollis Gause (1990–1992)
Daniel L. Black (1990–1992)
Floyd D. Carey (1992–1996, 2004–2006)
Oliver McMahan (1992–1996)
James M. Beaty (1996–)
Robert E. Fisher (1996–2005)
Robert D. McCall (1996–2010)
L. Grant McClung (1996–2000)
David G. Roebuck (1996–)
James D. Jenkins (2000–2002)
Christopher Moree (2002–2024)
Joel Trammell (2004–2022)
James E. Cossey (2008–2010, 2016–2022)
Jerry Jeter (2008–2016, 2024–)
Lance Colkmire (2010–)
C. C. Pratt (2010–2022)
Douglas Slocumb (2012–2014)
Esdras Betancourt (2012–2022)
Louis Morgan (2012–2022)
Wanda Thompson LeRoy (2016–)
J. B. Douglas LeRoy (2022–)
Victor Pagan (2022–)
Larry Sterling, Jr. (2022–)
Phyllis Thompson (2022–)
J. Ben Wiles (2022–)
Joycelyn Barnett (2024–)
Tammie D. Whitehead Box (2024–)
Leslie Brannon Bradford (2024–)
Patrick W. Conley (2024–)
D. E. "Gene" Mills, Jr. (2024–)